22At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his first wife and second wife were fighting ove死透透
98At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his first wife and second wife were fighting over the inhe复仇鬼影
28四名年轻人在回到实习村后,遭遇了一连串恐怖的经历。他们发现自己被复仇心切的荣庚舞鬼苏拉斯特里盯上,后者誓言要毁灭他们,并通过一系列可怕的方式展开报复。随着恐惧的蔓延,年轻人们不仅要面对苏拉斯特里的致命追击,还要揭开隐藏在村庄背后的恐怖真相,展开一场生死逃亡的较量。- 在一个古老的村庄里,一位年轻的牧羊人意外发现了一本古旧的书籍,书中记载着一段关于鬼怪的古老传说。为了拯救村庄,他决定踏上寻找真相的旅程。在他的旅途中,他与一个神秘的老人相遇,老人告诉他,只有勇敢和智慧能够使他克服鬼怪的诅咒。然而,随着他接近真相,鬼怪的阴影也渐渐笼罩在他和整个村庄之上。
1Four youths face a horrifying experience as they return to their internship village, encountering the vengeful Ronggeng dancer ghost Sulastri, who s