
由Caitlin Halderman领衔主演的伊万娜是一部综合评分5.0的印度尼西亚电影。讲述了Since the death of their father and mother, Ambar and Dika move to a nursing home owned by their parents' best friend and their son, Agus. There are three people in the nursing home of Masa Toea: Grandma Ani, Grandpa Farid, and Oma Ida. The three are taken care of by Rina, a nurse who is also Agus's girlfriend. Not long after Ambar and Dika's move, Oma Ida's grandson, Arthur, c...  故事虽说平淡,视觉效果也一般,不过角色之间的互动倒是挺自然的。


  • 6.0HD国语
  • 4.0幽灵学正片
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  • 3.0通灵侦探2023更新HD
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