
由威廉姆·鲍姆利尔领衔主演的惊心动魄是一部综合评分9.0的美国电影。讲述了Michael's health club is beseiged with a series of terrible murders involving killer saunas and other grisly devices. Michael's wife killed herself a while before and her brother holds Michael responsible. Michael needs to stop the bloodshed before he loses all of his clients.  这部电影真是无可挑剔,从故事到表演都堪称完美,值得反复品味!


  • 6.0HD国语
  • 4.0幽灵学正片
  • 3.0听好了正片
  • 5.0夜母HD
  • 3.0通灵侦探2023更新HD
  • 2.0祖庙闹鬼记3更新HD