2First-time director/drummer from Australia, Alan Hicks, convinced his surfing mate and cinematographer, Adam Hart, to travel to the U.S. to follow and隐逸
1提姆在鄰居眼中是位孤僻怪老頭,他總是閉門不出,過著完全與世隔絕的生活,但隔壁一對熱心情侶-尼克和瓊仍常常來探訪他,幫忙採買生活用品。某天,提姆收到房子法拍通知書,他的周遭也開始陸續出現許多無法解釋的可怕事件,尼克和瓊亦被捲入其中,而他們發現所有的靈異現象都出現在提姆入睡之後…- A nerdy teenage girl pretends to be her beautiful, fake twin sister from California in order to become the most popular girl in high school, but when